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Dosing Recommendations

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The majority of our customers do best with a 4/2 or 4/3 protocol—meaning microdose 4 consecutive days in a row followed by 2-3 consecutive days off. Commit to this protocol for minimally 3 consecutive months, and watch your life shift!

We believe your microdosing journey should above all be an intuitively-led process. If a 4/2 or 4/3 protocol doesn’t feel right for you, there are many other options to explore like microdosing every other day or every third day.

It’s important to take at least 2 days off from microdosing each week to avoid building a tolerance or needing to increase dosage.


While there is information out there outlining dosing recommendations according to height, weight and gender, we believe dosing is determined by one’s unique neurobiology. The only way to find your “sweet spot” dose is through experimentation.

We always recommend beginning with just one capsule of Exude or Surrender, and many people will find this to be their perfect dose! If you do not feel that “sparkle” with one capsule, you can experiment with increasing to two on your next dosing day. There’s a very tiny percentage of people who find their “sweet spot” dose to be three or more capsules, and in that case, one could explore microdosing with our stronger blend, Theta.

MicroFlow bottles and ritual on table

When to dose

We recommend microdosing in the morning with ritual and intention. Ultimately, the perfect time to dose is going to be the time that works best for you. Dosing first thing upon waking with a ritual is ideal for many people. However, if that time doesn’t work for you or if you get nauseous dosing first thing in the morning, you can dose later in the morning after breakfast. 

Suggested MicroFlow™ microdosing ritual:

Hold the capsule to your heart and give thanks to the medicine before taking it. Anchor in your intentions with the following journal prompts:


✷ Today I am grateful for…


✷ MicroFlow, please help me with…


✷ I am calling in…


✷ I am releasing…


✷ Pashe te sava

Cycle Syncing with MicroFlow

(for women in their reproductive years with a regular cycle)

yellow sun graphic

“Men are the sun. Women are the moon.”

Every 24 hours, just like the sun rises and the sun sets in the same manner every day, male hormonal patterns are consistently the same day after day. Male physiology operates according to a 24-hour internal biological clock called the circadian rhythm. Just like the sun, men are the same every day. Women, on the other hand, have a secondary internal biological clock called the Infradian Rhythm that operates much like the moon. If you were to step outside and look at the sky every night for a month, you’d see the moon appear differently every night thoughout its 29.5 day lunar cycle that mirrors a woman’s full monthly reproductive cycle. Just like Earth goes through four seasons in a year—spring, summer, fall and winter—women in their reproductive years go through four distinct seasons/phases every single month within their own body. Women are not supposed to feel the same, be the same or show up in the world the same every day. Deep levels of nervous system healing can happen when women attune to their cyclical essence as feminine beings, and MicroFlow is the first microdosing supplement on the market that created a “cycle syncing” protocol to help cycling women achieve this.

light blue moon graphic


If you are brand new to cycle syncing, please don’t get caught up in being so exact that you stress yourself out even more. Cycle syncing your MicroFlow blends can help accelerate your microdosing results, however it’s not “bad” or “wrong” if you dose outside of what is outlined below.

Take MicroFlow Exude during your Follicular and Ovulatory phases to enhance that “Inner Spring” and “Inner Summer” outwardly expressing energy that your body naturally wants to convey in these phases. This is the time after menstruation through ovulation.

Take MicroFlow Surrender during your Luteal and Menstrual phases to enhance that “Inner Autumn” and “Inner Winter” divine feminine softening journey within that your body naturally wants to emulate in these phases. This is the time after ovulation through menstruation.

Cycle syncing your MicroFlow blends takes all the key benefits of therapeutic microdosing to the next level, as you’ll be working with the natural energies of your body rather than against it.

Lunar Syncing with MicroFlow

(for women who don’t have a regular cycle, women in menopause and men)

Take Exude while the moon is waxing through the Full Moon.

Take Surrender while the moon is waning through the New Moon.

Conversely, it is always okay to choose your blend based solely on intuition. Cycle syncing or lunar syncing with MicroFlow is optional.


MicroFlow is best stored in a cabinet or pantry or out of direct sunlight.

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